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“Approaching the Glikides” [Konta stous Glikides] (2020-2021)

Children’s book award from the Women’s Literary Association, Athens 1985 (Middle School).

It is a Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library publication. The book constitutes an excellent historical narrative with information about the printing history of Greek books at the end of the 17th century. It foregrounds the contribution of publishers and Venetian spiritual leaders at a time when the Greek Genos was striving for its national restoration and its spiritual and social renaissance. 

The students will listen to the story of Lambros, the book protagonist. They follow him in a route from his native land, on the outskirts of Ioannina, to Venice, where he works in the printing house of Epirotans Glikides. The meanings of offering, charity as well as the power of man to stand and evolve in spite of emerging circumstances spring forth through the text. The program is based on narration and interactive games (knowledge, memory, cryptex).