From the School of Aggelonimou Geneas to the Great Schools of Ioannina…about 6 centuries of Education in Ioannina,
Ioannina, Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina, 2020-21.
Vaia Oikonomidou.
The renowned Schools of Ioannina constitute a phenomenon that first appeared immediately after the first Fall of Constantinople in 1204, and they evolved and progressed by means of following the development of the city of Ioannina on an urban-planning, historical, social, economical and spiritual level. A timeless phenomenon that combined multiple factors, with a main focus on the human factor and human solidarity. A dedication presented during the event on the topic of “The Great Schools of Ioannina – The Pre-revolution Enlightenment and the Epirotan Benefaction”, on the occasion of the 200 years from the onset the Greek Revolution of 1821.