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The decoration of n.17 Greek Evaggelistario of Zosimaia School of Ioannina. On the double and triple initial letters of the byzantine manuscripts [I diakosmisis tou ip arithmon 17 ellinikou Evaggelistariou tis en Ioanninis Zosimaias Vivliothikis. Peri ton diplon kai triplon arxikon grrammaton sta vizantina xirografa].

The decoration of n.17 Greek Evaggelistario of Zosimaia School of Ioannina. On the double and triple initial letters of the byzantine manuscripts [I diakosmisis tou ip arithmon 17 ellinikou Evaggelistariou tis en Ioanninis Zosimaias Vivliothikis. Peri ton diplon kai triplon arxikon grrammaton sta vizantina xirografa]. Ioannina, Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina, 2005. Axinia Dzurova
Study of n.17 manuscript of Zosimaia Library, which presents a special interest regarding, on the one hand, the relationships between mainland and lower Italy Greek traditions and, on the other, regarding the Slavic tradition on a level of coding specificities and decorations.