Visitor Information
Opening hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 12:00-19:00
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 08:00-14:30
Weekdays: 08:00-14:30
The aim of the Library is to constantly improve the provided user services for the promotion of knowledge, information, education and culture, beyond political, religious, racial or other discrimination.
- Collections Development
The choice of Library material is based on the purpose and its aims, considering the new publications, the user suggestions, the public’s needs and the publications concerning Ioannina, Epirus and its surrounding area. Moreover, an effort is made for enriching the collection of rare documents, by means of tracing local publications and completing the existing collections.
The materials’ additions happen by means of purchases, exchanges, donations, and mandatory deposit of copies of historical records in print or other audiovisual and electronic form, produced in Ioannina and, generally, in Epirus.
The full or partial acceptance of donations has to be approved by the Supervisory Council of the Library, upon the Director’s proposal.
Historical records published within the Library’s area of responsibility must be submitted by the author, typographer, lithographer or publisher in two copies, to whom a receipt of submission is given (Law 3149/10-6-2003 “National Library of Greece, Public Libraries and other regulations”, article 12, paragraph 7δ and 9).
For book purchases, the Library follows the standard procedures laid down by law concerning Public Sector commissions, as well as all that is included by the “Rules of Operation of Public Libraries” (“Ministerial Order 83064/IZ/20-8-2003/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs). In case of rare materials that complete Library collections and serve its purpose, the Library Director proceeds with the purchase without prior approval from the Supervisory Council (Law 3149/10-6-2003 “National Library of Greece, Public Libraries and other regulations”, article 12, paragraph 7). Book exchanges, either from multiple copies or from the Library’s publications, are possible so that the Library acquires publications that are not found in its existing collections, and are considered to be significant. The exchanges are made upon the Director’s proposal, with the approval of the Supervisory Council.
The material is sealed by the Library stamp.
Each year, a book inventory is made and an inspection for damages and losses takes place on the material of the Book Lending Department, the Children’s Department and the Reading Room. To this end, the Library remains closed to the public during August when there is reduced public attendance so that the aforementioned works take place, and the annual arrangement, the cleaning and the disinfection of the material and the entire Library space is completed.
- Collection Management
The Library collection is for public use either in the Reading Room or for borrowing by the Lending Department.
All the Library closed collections are exempted from lending and only Library employees have access to them. The Library closed collections are constituted by:
– Palaetypes and rare books namely, the Oikonomou books, the Zosimaia School collection and the collections having derived from donations (Lamprou, Voila, Antoniadi, Palli, Souli, Meksi, Cosma etc. ), as well as the collection of Epirus works.
– Manuscripts
– Archives
– Engravings
– Maps
and everything designated by the “Rules of Operation of Public Libraries” (“Ministerial Order 83064/IZ/20-8-2003/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs).
Historical records from the closed collections are given for use only in the Reading Room, after a written request is made by the researcher to the Head of the Reading Room, and after a permission of use is provided by the Library Director. Application forms for access to historical records from closed collections have to be submitted in total to the Head of the Reading Room.
More specifically, the manuscripts are only given to researchers who fill in their personal information and their research field on an application hardcopy form provided by the Library Reading Room.
For B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. theses, the applications must be accompanied by a reference letter, or a university study certificate confirming the undertaking of the thesis. For each new field of research, the researchers have to fill in a new application. For every application form, permission of use is provided by the Library Director as long as the reasoning is sufficient.
The researchers must be especially attentive to the manuscripts, whether they are codes, or loose documents etc., and return them to the responsible Library employee in the condition in which they got them upon the receipt of a return ticket. Damaged historical records or records under preservation, as well as unsorted manuscripts or manuscripts in need of preservation are not allowed for research.
The reproduction of records from the closed Library collections is made only insofar as it is deemed necessary and as per the “Rules of Operation of Public Libraries” (“Ministerial Order 83064/IZ/20-8-2003/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs).
- Book Lending
Each library user residing in Ioannina and its suburbs wishing to borrow Library material, has to own a Library membership card, based on his own or his guardian’s identity card information.
The membership card is strictly personal and the owner has absolute responsibility for the registered information.
The card is non-transferable. In a different case, the member is deleted from the Library membership records.
The membership card is free of charge. In case of loss, a penalty amount is charged for the reissuance of a new one.
Cards are issued daily:
8:00 – 14:00 during morning working hours
12:00 – 18:30 during evening working hours
The duration of a book loan is 15 days with an extension right of another 15 days and as long as a book has not been requested by another user. Book lending is not to be extended for more than 30 days in total.
Each member can borrow up to 5 literature or children’s books and 1 book from other categories.
There is a possibility for book reservations for books that are not in the Library at the time of their request. There is a priority order and the member is contacted by telephone.
Each member must return the borrowed material within the set time frame and in a good condition. For a few days delay, the member is merely cautioned. Repetitive or persistent delays in book returns result in: suspension of the book-borrowing right for a time of 15 days up to 3 months and/or permanent membership card cancelation.
In case of loss or damage of the borrowed material, the Library member must either replace it with a similar one, or pay an equivalent amount of money.
Book lending and all the works involving the use of a PC, stop 30 minutes prior to the end of Library working hours, so that employees proceed with a daily backup process.
- Reading Room Services
The Reading Room is available to the audience whether someone uses Library material or do work of their own.
Users have to be quiet and speak silently in the Library Reading Room.
Food and beverage consumption, as well as the use of mobile phones are strictly forbidden in the Reading Room. Smoking is also forbidden both in the Reading Room and in the rest of the Library grounds.
Users must adhere to a priority order whenever there is a need for one (book lending, photocopying, membership card issuance, petitions, application forms regarding closed Library collections for use within the Reading Room, internet use).
Library users need to clearly submit their applications to Library staff, to comply with the Library’s Internal Rules of Operation and ask for staff assistance, in case they face any difficulty.
Users are obliged to make good use of the provided materials (not to note down on the books, not to put notepads over the books, not to bring razors, scissors, correction fluids, inks, and other objects likely to damage the books, not to tear up pages or pictures from a book, to notify the employee in charge in case a book has random pages inside) and generally not to act in any harmful way upon the given material.
Dissatisfied users or users who repeatedly cause problems to other users or who do not comply with staff recommendations, are permanently expelled from the Library.
The Reading Room and generally the Library space, as well as its materials are protected by an electronic security system.
- Photocopying
The Library material is photocopiable. Users can obtain a relevant card from the Book Lending Desk. The number of photocopied pages should not surpass the number designated by International Covenants over the violation of copyright laws (1/10 of the total pages of the publication, Law 2121/1993 “On the copyright protection of creators”).
Palaetypes, rare books, engravings, manuscripts, books published before 1920, and books in poor condition are non photocopiable. In case some material is non photocopiable, the reader can apply for and obtain approval from the Library Supervisory Council, upon the Director’s proposal, for the reproduction of the material within the Library space.
- Publications
The Library, within the framework of its goals and the promotion of its work, can proceed to publications, either of its own works or of other individuals or bodies.
In order to publish a work of other individuals or bodies, the interested party needs to file a publication application form, accompanied by a document of consent in two copies. Insofar as the suggested publication concerns topics regarding Epirus in general or is made by an author from Epirus, the Director raises the issue to the Supervisory Council, which appoints a Committee of experts regarding the negotiated publication, in which the Library Director participates and, upon a reasoned suggestion of the Committee, he/she decides on the publication material. In case the publication is agreed upon, a relevant contract is drafted between the interested party and the Library.
Copyright laws and any potential commercial holdings deriving from the published work belong to the Library. The author is supplied with a limited number of copies – set each time by the Supervisory Council, upon the Director’s suggestion – for his/her personal, not for commercial, use.
- Children’s Department
The Children’s Department is situated in a reading setting especially formed for the needs of children, where the stay of adults is not allowed.
It covers the needs from infancy to adolescence and offers the same services as the adult department.
The Library organizes in its Children’s Department book fairs, as well as educational and recreational activities, either individually or in cooperation with other bodies (schools, Pedagogical University Departments etc.).
- Staff Obligations
Staff is obliged to fully and conscientiously perform the duties assigned to them by the Library Director, depending on their qualifications. Moreover, they are obliged to serve and willingly assist users in the search and detection of materials. They should engage in the provision of information requested by library users, using Library materials and I.T. technology. The staff should treat users politely and deal with potential problems.
They should actively participate in the organization of events and Library fairs, depending on their knowledge area. They need to participate in the process of taking inventory, and to work on at least a weekly evening shift.
The staff is urged to attend training seminars, at times, aiming at their further broadening of knowledge and skills, in relation to their respective knowledge areas and the goals of the Library.
- Opening Hours
The Library is open to the public daily, except weekends.
The opening hours are:
Winter schedule (October-June):
Monday & Wednesday 12:00-19:00
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 08:00-14:30
Summer schedule (June-September):
Weekdays 08:00-14:30
- Public Information Center Operation
The Public Information Center constitutes a Library department, established as part of the programme “Information Society”, under the Third Community Support Framework (Γ’ΚΠΣ), and it follows the Internal Rules of Operation of the Library.
Visitors can have free access and specialized support in the search of information over a series of subjects, namely economic, touristic, educational, employment, entrepreneurial, cultural etc. on a regional, peripheral, national and international level. For internet use, a priority order is maintained, after the responsible employee is notified.
Internet use is allowed to adults, and to Middle School, High School and Primary School students, as long as they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, who is exclusively responsible for the minor’s Internet access.
In peak hours, the time limit for Internet use is set at 30 minutes per person. Otherwise, there is no time limit.
The saving of data in computer hard drives is currently not allowed. Data saving can only be done, by users, in portable USB drives etc.
There is a paid printing capacity, both in black and white and colored print outs, up to 50 pages per time. Storing personal files in the PC hard drives is not allowed.
Any intervention in the PC hardware or software is strictly forbidden and the Library has every legal right to claim compensation for potential damages caused either purposefully or by negligence (conditional intent).
Copying any software is illegal and brings about the intended consequences by law.
In every case, users are responsible for their Internet access and the material which they come up with. The display of visual material with sexual connotations is not allowed. The Library does not “censor” Internet access, protects the user’s individual rights, as per the current legislation, and does not monitor the content of online information. Information obtained from the Internet does not entail that everything is accurate, complete, up-to-date and, by means of legal, moral and philosophical view, globally accepted.
Users who do not adhere to the aforementioned rules of operation are to be deprived of the right to use the Internet for two days. In case of a relapse, the Library retains the right to reserve for a longer time period the right to use the Internet, completely ban access to PCs, or even permanently expel the user from the Library.
- Operation of Mobile Library Units (Bookmobile)
Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina owns a mobile library unit, and its areas of responsibility are the prefectures of Ioannina, Preveza, Arta, and the region of Paramythia of the prefecture of Thesprotia, establishing book lending centres in Primary and Secondary schools, hospitals, and other foundations and cultural institutions.
The Mobile Unit (“Bookmobile”) has a special – constantly renewable – collection, the choice of which is made based on the population it serves, emphasizing the covering of the needs of the educational community.
Regarding the choice and the establishment of the book-lending centers, the lack of another permanent library within the school communities and the inability to access another library are taken into consideration. The visits in book-lending centers are scheduled in the beginning of the school year and each visit cycle takes place at least once per month.
Each lending center opts for a person in charge whom the Library cooperates with over the scheduling of visits, the lending of the material, the joint holding of events, the provision of statistical data on the support of the sound implementation of the programme, as well as over any other issues based on the promotion of readability and, by extension, knowledge.
- Events-Fairs
The Library organizes events and holds book fairs either independently or in cooperation with other institutions, in order to promote knowledge, and showcase and project the local spiritual and cultural tradition. Events are scheduled in the beginning of each year and are agreed upon by the Supervisory Council, upon the Director’s suggestion.
In case the Library holds book fairs or participates in fairs outside its grounds, with its own materials, in agreement with the Director and the Supervisory Council, the close observance of the “Regulations of the Public Libraries Operation” Μinisterial Οrder 83064/ΙΖ/20-8-2003/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs in subparagraph 3.3 “Materials display and transport” is necessary.
The Internal Rules of Operation of Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina is further supplemented by Law 3149/10-6-2003 and Μinisterial Οrder 83064/ΙΖ/20-8-2003/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
The Internal Rules of Operation of Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library of Ioannina can potentially be revised in particular articles or in its entirety, after the Director’s recommendation, upon the Supervisory Council’s decision and, by law, based on the approval of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.
Το τραγούδι που πλαισιώνει το βίντεο είναι το “Birth of a hero-28585” από τους NICK PHOENIX, ASCAP \ THOMAS BERGERSEN, ASCAP.
Αδειοδότηση στο YouTube από: Adrev for a 3rd Party (on behalf of EXTREME MUSIC LIBRARY LTD, PRS (Two Steps From Hell)); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, Adrev Publishing, LatinAutor – SonyATV, LatinAutorPerf, ASCAP, and 12 Music Rights Societies