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From Bernasconi στoν Ηébrard. “Known” and Unknown urban maps of Ioannina.

From Bernasconi στoν Ηébrard. “Known” and Unknown urban maps of Ioannina.
Ioannina, Municipality of Ioannina, Zosimaia Public Central Historical Library , 2019.

Thanasis Zigouris,

“the study of urban plans is perhaps the safest tool for the registration of architectural reserves, the field organization, according to the prevailing at times political views, but also for the deep understanding of the dynamics of urban populations…”
[I meleti ton poleodomikon sxedion ine isos to asfalestero ergalio gia tin katagrafi tou arxitekktonikou apothematos, tin organosi pediou, simfona me tis kratouses – ana epochi – politikes apopsis, ala ke to vathmo katanoisis tis dinamikis ton astikon plithismon] (Book review G.Smiris).

Urban design plans of Ioannina (1895-1919, Ioannina under Ottoman administration until the onset of the development of new cities from the Greek state) can be found dispersed, in Private or Public Archives. The discovery of new data, by author-architect Thanasis Zigouris, expands the research field and constitutes a base for the systematic research of the urban planning history of Ioannina.